@nicolaou: The funny thing about Jamaicans is they do NOT want to be identified with blacks in the US. Go into any corner store with Jamaican beef patties and ask if they are African American.
They have different language, accents, mannerisms, food, culture in general, they do have their own opinion on ‘Africans’: https://youtu.be/363Y7dMw8vA?si=bBhM8vMlmmiKGO7i
Jamaicans are not ‘black’, they are a Creole with some black, some Spanish/French and indigenous populations, they are what we would consider “Hispanic” (mix of indigenous, black and Spanish). The CDC defines people from that region as Hispanic. Yes, they have dark(er) skin, but so is most of the Carribean.
So Harris isn’t black, she is mixed race, considered herself primarily Indian or Hispanic-Indian before. Obama wasn’t black either, he was mixed race and not even African American, as his father was from Kenya, not a US Citizen. And you can see the fact Harris is quick to switch, a few years ago she gave a podcast interview on a Latino heritage media site where she highlighted the fact her Latino heritage, she was Indian-American in California/San Francisco because there are a lot of Indian-American donors in the tech world over there. Now she wants to be black for the black vote, which has Indians pissed because she is now dumping her Indian-American status for African American.